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bicycle friendly award

Fast, fast, slow – change of pace in Somogy – red A

(0 rating(s))
7h 44mRiding time
77.4 kmLength
644 m
644 m
Elevation difference
Entire route network
  • Description
  • BalatonBike365 Port
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1. Route description, explanation of signs
A long, intermediate level tour in the southern Lake Balaton area. The beginning and end of summer - May-June and September - are ideal for completing the tour, when the heat is not unbearable at daytime but the days are already (or still) long enough.
Most of the route runs on low-traffic public roads but there are also sections on bike paths and agricultural roads. There is an unpaved road between Vityapuszta and Gamás but it is rideable almost all year round with mountain bikes and most of the year with trekking or gravel bikes.

2. Difficulty factors in the tour
The stretch between Fonyód and Csisztapuszta runs on gravel and pebble paths, ride carefully if you use slimmer bike tyres.
Some sections of the dirt road between Vityapuszta and Gamás are slippery in rainy weather.
The route between Somogytúr and Balatonlelle is the busiest section, it is important to follow the highway code.
The trail crosses the main road 7 at Fonyód and Balatonlelle, please ride with extra caution there.
Drinking water sources are limited on the tour so make sure you head out carrying full water bottles.

3. Ambience
Anyone who has ever tried ballroom or folk dance will surely know what a special feeling it is to change the tempo between dance steps. It requires concentration and self-control, but it is also a great experience to suddenly slow down and control the steps and then accelerate from a slow tempo back to a faster pace again. Experienced tour riders accustomed to cycling can definitely practise the tempo change between Balatonlelle, Buzsák and Fonyód, as the self-forgotten, fast ride on this route will be interrupted by spots that invite you to slow down and look around. A pleasant fish pond, a nature reserve with unique animals and plants, a bath to pamper yourself, a lookout tower with a magnificent view - just to mention some of the quiet but refreshing experiences. Between the different places, the rattling of the bike, the refreshing breeze and the captivating landscape set the pace to ride this beautiful 77 kilometre round trip.

Municipalities on the route: Balatonlelle, Kisperjés, Barackos, Látrány, Somogytúr, Somogybabod, Gamás, Vityapuszta, Somogyvámos, Somogyvár, Öreglak, Buzsák, Csisztapuszta, Csisztafürdő, Fonyód, Fonyódliget, Balatonboglár
Target group:
Amateur athlete
Asphalt and Good Quality Gravel
Hidden Gems
Popular Attractions
Type of bicycle recommended for the tour:
Mountain bike
Road detailsComposition by road category:
All roads77.4 km
  • Bike path6.2 km (8.0%)
  • Public road1.9 km (2.4%)
  • Public road low traffic60.6 km (78.2%)
  • Forestry road0.0 km (0.0%)
  • Sidewalk0.0 km (0.0%)
  • Dam0.0 km (0.0%)
  • Agricultural road8.8 km (11.3%)
  • Boat/Ferry0.0 km (0.0%)
Road surface category:
All roads77.4 km
  • Paved71.8 km (92.7%)
  • Gravel4.9 km (6.4%)
  • Dirt0.7 km (0.9%)
Elevation difference:
Total elevation difference:644 m
Maximal elevation difference:10-15%
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Further informationThe GINOP-7.1.9-17 - 2018 - 00012 development project shall be implemented in the Lake Balaton high profile tourism development area. The aim of the project is to extensively implement cycling developments for the entire region, including both shoreline and backcountry settlements in the circulation.